Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hdfc Credit Movie Ticket Buy 2 Get 1 Free

Cards + spam (eeew: D) Thanks

With elengante delay I offer my best wishes for happy [info] shandro88 ! Yay, Ale, wishes \u0026lt;3 I hope you've had a nice day and you're still having fun!
see you soon on msn tell me what you've done well. ♥ ♥ ♥

Then .

Look here what has disagnato [info] levy for moi :

Bwahahah. Dick / Helena p0rn! \\ O /

here for other designs, for comment, Remember how wonderfully bravah. ♥

And I had to post also another, I'm pretty sure. I just do not quite remember what ~ and then refer to the future.

you soon! ♥

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Installation Is Incomplete Express Gate

goshagosh @ 2010-02-10T13: 28:00

for the Kiev authorities
ice on the streets - happiness!
humbly silent
Leonid Uma disabled.
Silently teshitsya bastard:
Let's feet look.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Riker Island Visit Schedule

+ spam + msn + drama + in delusions LOL. New DC Comics January

THEN. I had to do for a while 'instead of days and I just decided ... today. Right now, to say xDDD
My birthday! What better chance to make a spampost worthy of being remembered for his long and dispersion? No, clearly , then took advantage of \\ o /


♠ First on the list [info] metallica, my beloved Vanucci, author not only of the beautiful banner you see up there - awwww! - But also the banner decorating my new profile (look how beautiful! Diana! ) and a number of other lovvoso banners and icons that I particularly loved.
We put a life to use them all but I will, because they deserve u_u!
find everything here: ♥ ♠

Other wonderful banner that I loved beyond words is this:


Opera of my daughter [info] waferkya (♥ ♥ ♥ ) I also loved and especially for the randomness of the subjects \u0026lt;3 + Carmen Bruce ship could be a considerable xDDD
the plant.


[info] talpy I wrote this drabble series . XD I was moved either because they are on a number that only you - TALPINA - read (even for blame on me, lol!) And because it was one of the gifts that just did not expect. xDD
Lovvina, you were very kind! And I have absolutely reciprocate in some way, otherwise I will not have peace. Claim anywhere, anytime, without any shame! è_é

[info] namidayume , although they persist in not wanting to be defined lovva, I just got this . What is Dick / Helena, which itself borders on the mystical perfection AND SUBSTANCE! .
(and has the title of a rhyme that I adore Placebo xDD)
Read it! Repent!

[info] cialy_girl I wrote this fic epic , always Dick / Helena. Awwww, little women, I love you! ♥ _ ♥

And on this front I have no words, because he yield happy to receive all these gifts on the DC Comics characters and that I love, I loved receiving gifts on my OTP, my favorite comics, to Diana!
And on Carmen Sandiego, I admit. u_u

♪ Speaking of fic, however, [info] marte96 got his first original fic ♥! You can find it here .
I melt when you do these things first for me! xDDD I
the heart of butter and I've always hidden.

How refrain from linking to my post? xDD

♣ I can not stop myself, in fact, from love [info] eowie and NINJA TURTLES! Laugh you too for Socia Toothless meravigliosità of my beloved! * _ * ♣

Other scans that is what is absolutely linked [info] ruka_nanjou made and used for his good wishes to post :

Yes, it's him: the Galactic Omu Omu!

OMUOMU SAN FANCLUB!! 11! 1! No, but you this drama (binb Danshi) you have your green. You can easily define trash - but without any weight on his heart, proprio - tuttavia è carino, a tratti divertente, a tratti semplicemente grottesco... l'unico problema è che lo si trova solo in giapponese (con sub in inglese, se cercate bene xD) e che non è facilissimo da seguire.
Ma se volete, se volete , io e Ruka possiamo fornirvi i link giusti.
(E lovva, tu devi proprio fare quel claim !).

♣ Abbracci e cuori anche a [info] yoruko89 per i suoi meravigliosi sms e perché ha saputo integrarmi nel suo ultimo post . \o/ Cristo, Socia!

♥ I migliori ringraziamenti alla mia Lex. Che praticamente amo e who knows what to say to ALWAYS make me happy. To her for a number of reasons that I will not tell you here, but she knows and that I hope will always know.
short. A Lex and because there has helped me a lot in these months. Why continue to be close to me even though I am a wretched worm vomited.

♪ And I will not forget all those people who have written to me by SMS, MSN, to twitter, I have left messages here on livejournal. Thank you all!
I was glad of every post and shout, let this be known. ♥ ♥ ♥

xDDDDD Thanks so much, gentaccia XDDDDDD
- - -

Yoru: next year will make 18 chez, do not miss the accounts
Chez: ah! Sorry!
Chez: I do 18! cabbage gets bigger and bigger!
Alez: then I do turns 20, not 25! u_u
Chez: go ahead fiocca *: *

(23:58) Chez: members, I tell you a secret. I have always lied, I'm a fake.
(23:58) Alez: yes tell us
(23:58) Chez.: in two minutes ... will be 19 * *
flakes (23.59) Alez: NOT E'VVVVERO
(23.59) Vanucci: ahahahhahah Panda
(23.59) Alez: WE NO HELMET.
(23.59) Chez.: know that I should tell you before, but what can you do * * Cipollo chez
(23.59) Vanucci: but 19 is legal, better yes *- 17 *
(23.59) Chez .: you say? ZIIIP
(23.59) Alez: eeeehhh too much grace!
(23.59) Chez.: lose years!!
(23.59) Vanucci: yes yes * *-
(0.00) Chez.: members, I tell you a secret. I have always lied, I'm a fake.
(0.00) Alez: AGAIN?!
(0.00) Chez.: in two minutes ...
(0.00) Alez: haha HAVE A DEJA VU
(0.00) Vanucci: AUGURRRIIIIIII (which two minutes pand: passed)
(0.00) Chez.: will be making 17 years * flakes *
(0.00) Vanucci: have 21 years * momo *
(0.00) Alez: had fallen behind Panda
(0.00) Chez.: * desperate :*!!!!!!
(0.00) Chez.: er. thanks. * * Fiocca

stop. After these fragments of chat (in order of appearance, right to justice : [info] yoruko89 , I [info] eowie , [info] Metallica ) where I finally come out as one of the biggest stupid that infest this world, and after writing a huge post ... containing JUST SPAM, I am going to write something for groped [info] comics_tabs [info] comics_tabs [info] comics_tabs .

soon! ♥

Saturday, February 6, 2010

How Much Does A Rented Dress Cost?

{!} He's Just Living In The Past, And The Past Is Where I Do To Be.

Title: He's Just Living In The Past.
Beta: [info] namidayume ♥ ♥ ♥
Fandom: DC Comics New January
Characters: Lisa Benni , Jim Kuttler, Lena Luthor.
Prompt: People ~ Triad # 3 @ [info] IT100
Rating: PG
Word Count: 205 words (works)
• Set in [info] lovvoverse : Jim is giving in and becoming Lena Luthor Evil! Jimbo evil ... he and Lisa did not attend, but I I decided that a little 'is still lovvano u_u
• LISA! ♥ _ ♥
• Title from " Shades Of Embarrassment" by The Rascals.
Disclaimer: our own, but since we do not profit from taaaanto good!


Lisa has no illusions: it is a person with down to earth, she who has never hoped for too much. For this he knows that Jim will never understand it and do not try to convince him to do not - why take the correct distances.

A fairly strong for her, in fact, knows that fall into the trap of the hyena, like Mario before him ... a pretty strong part of her knows that every person has never entered into his life - especially those that affect them - sooner or later end up trapped in a spider's web.
without being able to leave more.

not familiar with the priorities of Jim that his constant desire to disappoint his family lost, but knows he can not pry, do not even attempt to ask that information 'on the damn snake, not the supplicant hoping to see him understand so that Luthor has destroyed his life and that - if it continues to help her - he has no hope with her.

She had no illusions that it could work. Because part rather stronger than she also knows that Lena has already won the outset and which will capture and destroy all the people you want to approach, if desired.
- - -

Title: And The Past Is Where I Do To Be.
Beta: [info] namidayume ♥ ♥ ♥
Fandom: DC Comics New January
Characters: Jim Kuttler , Mar'i Grayson.
Prompt: known ~ [info] comics_tabs
Rating: PG
Word Count: 201 words (works)
• Set in [info] lovvoverse : Jim finally succumbed and became Lena Luthor Evil! Jimbo evil. •
title from " Shades Of Embarrassment" by The Rascals.
Disclaimer: our own, but since we do not profit from taaaanto good!


There was a time when they were friendly and happy to be. Jim remembers it well: it was when they were younger damn and their families together, and when - almost forced - considered themselves to be cousins, and went out together during adolescence. While they worked out their respective roles in the world of Heroes.
What he would not have become (and it's funny, because even if imagined as a child).

In a sense he still wants very much good to Mary, is not going to hide it.

But it remains that their relationship has always been driven from small were compelled to attend, from large to be enemies. No choice.

If you could, Jim would give all possible aid - all you need to save from the fury against which is placed against. If could - and can not.
can only follow his moves in silence, a brief comment at the meetings of the Injustice League, stifling any personal idea - he really knows that Mary knows what might be thought and on those occasions - and silence everything. Why do not want to burn that memory completely, that phase of his life where his family still believed in him.

- - -

Friday, February 5, 2010

Best Epilator For Legs

I wanted to give me a birthday present:

Table Comics Tabs
Author: [info] izzieanne
Unarmed Light known Truth Just
Goodness Modesty Generosity Treating Simple
Light Capable Free Secure should
Amabile inviolate Energetic Free Choice Free Choice

1 / 20

known : ( [info] lovvoverse ) Jim Kuttler, Mar'i Grayson.