Thursday, January 14, 2010

Male Animal Genetalia

The DC wants us dead.

The DC Comics. And a post dedicated to her. ♥

Namida: O_O OH

Chez. Sit

what happened?


're going to hurt me, I can feel it.
quickly ripped the patch

I do not know where he wants to end up * mmm *

try the link and step ç__ç
Sorry, cmnq
We're all going through a bad period we had
obvious that happen to them

that? ç_ç

but I know it? O_O


ah O_O

but ... Nami

is all white.
nothing O_O
you're probably wrong. whatever you want to tell me, there

* sese * understand * mmm *
You're right I been mistaken! * O *

ahahahaha! what a pity!
well, it can happen u_u

I like the way you deal with it, you know?

there were no * yes *

I find mature

I'm not addressing anything!

Namida: Yes
Chez XD Method Blank Pages has been lost without you


The follow: these two try to convince me that Bruce is back in the past and now must be all eras, all that Dick is looking more and more get killed, that Jason has red hair, and even that Roy has lost an arm.
The DC is a beautiful place, everyone has a great desire to joke, in fact for all of 2009 did nothing more than publish jokes masquerading as real comics .

Anyway ... Well, no lie. I have downloaded this number. It sucks. The DC
even try to trim Diana / Dick to make me happy. BUT DOES NOT WORK. even if you do not understand what is really Dickie, Bruce may well be in a frenzy of Diana. And it is deliberately so! So not only Diana / Dick baseless, but making it ambiguous, suggesting that in fact he wanted to be a Diana / Bruce! o_O
(actually I think it's Bruce. I mean, has the body of Bruce Bruce is so xDDD. bon. Diana / Bruce random.)
to mention (And above) that only a few pages before she killed Cassie, killing zombies! Woman almost killed Mera ... In short, a combined slaughter crazy, all in total chaos (random characters drawn with the background xD !!!), he realizes that it is a comic book to say the least messed up.
What I would also fine. If it were not also devoid of sense and logic
O_O The only thing that is mere prejudice, I still say it is a wonderful character, and I'd like to write about her. Only it must stop using it only when they have ideas and do not know what the hell to put it into a screenplay.

But the truth is that I am the latest decisions of the DC not accept them because they are targeted against me (♥). I read Aquaman (I was practically unique in the world, come on, who else did? XD) and I killed him, I read Batman, and I killed him (ah, no, wait! Is doing a time travel!) I was reading and Nightwing are killing me, I read them to me and Titans are destroying (and trampling! ROY!). And now. They tortured me and put me of Diana Diana / Brucemorto. Okay.

And I would also have another theory on which gossiping. Type on New Titans (Titans and they would be? What are Titans? O_o) . Type the JSA and the fact that we are led to three guys with white hair. Men like Jesse and now that they are indecent together. Like ... type everything. But I will not add fuel to the fire, go, you'd only pain. Only

which are bitter. Because this year has been one of the worst comic ever. ç_ç

And that's it. ♥


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