x Xena Gabrielle
Rating history: VM14
Chapter Rating: VM14
1 ˙ 721 (W) Disclaimer:
The characters of Xena, Gabrielle, etc etc are copyright of MCA / Universal Pictures Renassiance. These characters have been used without the consent of the authors, but not for profit.
Table: TABLE
As one voice, one word ran through the streets of London that cold morning in late October. There was London that he had not spoken at least once via Strand Fleet Street. "When?" We asked people on the street, the people gathered in the salons and businessmen who were returning home after a week of hard work out of town. Only in one place the most absolute silence reigned. Visetti haggard and sad, more sad than usual, stopped outside the gate of New Road, while a dog was barking mad and no one seemed to have noticed when he started.
The room window was open for Scarlett. The cold air waving their ragged curtains faded, once a delicate pink, but no one would go up to close the window. It would have been useless, the people inside would not have felt the warmth of the room anyway. Billy, without any expression on his face, remained fixed as a guard in front of the door, so that nobody could disturb the sleep of the homeowner. Lisa that morning she woke up with a strange feeling in your chest, do not think I've ever felt before. The situation was outlined on the horizon was not the best, and concerns grew day by day. The night before had left Scarlett in a pitiful state and throughout the night had done nothing but nightmares, dreaming of the house with huge windows, private frosty glass and the cold that grew at every moment, Scarlett tried in every room, but She did not seem to be no trace. Then he tried to stop the kids trying to leave Home frost, but it hardly seemed to hear, with their sad young faces and eyes full of tears. It was invisible. And then he woke up, just when they heard the voice of Scarlett behind her. And every time his eyes closed again had to start looking for it.
He had spent all morning with his family, and then announced, as was his habit to do now for some months, which would have gone in the annexe to write and that nobody would bother you. Scarlett like every morning for weeks, was served by his staff waiter, Billy, who brought her his tea every day more and more watered down and faded. Scarlett thanked with a smile saying that the drink was delicious and also thanked Billy for that lie. The shouting of the children were soon awakened the company, until, together, did not go to his room to be told a fairy tale. Scarlett was so eager for companionship and affection he dwelt on every detail of the fairy tale, to be able to last as long as possible extension. Then, when the story was finished, all the children down in the lower levels to play with the toys available. Lisa had brought her dolls when she was little and girls were able to litigarsele for whole hours, they were objects of exquisite features, the clothes that the little orphan could never afford in all their life. noon that Billy had returned to control that Scarlett was okay, but when she opened the door of his room found her hands and knees, unable to climb on the bed which is a few inches from her. He had helped her to get up and get back in bed, disgracing it gently. Scarlett was not able to lie still in bed doing nothing: she had always been hyper active, and now could not imagine life confined to her room. "The time I have left I spend it as I prefer." He always said to those who wanted to stop building in his new bed with the blankets brought by Lisa, the enveloping soft feathers that warming as never in his life. Lisa was his angel, a divine entity fell in the gutter to carry all their food, warm blankets and toys.
Lisa was presented as an ordinary day, with his supply of provisions in the arms and a smile just for Scarlett. Billy greeted with a pat on the shoulder and his woman with a slight kiss. Then, as it darned old socks, Lisa's old room tidied. Scarlett looked at that little body lean and beautiful that it moves easily with an old rag in hand till some time ago was not even able to wash and iron a handkerchief, a lady of good family used to have a thousand for her servants, valets and gardeners. It was changed in a way no one would ever expect and she was so proud of her beautiful princess so humble and full of unconditional love. It seemed only the day before when he had first seen, over the large windows of his large villa with his eyes reflecting the clear sky at sunset. He felt so tired, so he decided to call Lisa, but just open your mouth and coordinate his tongue seemed a thing so difficult. His jaw was heavy to use, but any pain in his chest was strangely stopped, it felt light, but unable to use any muscle. He only had to move the arm to Lisa, but her eyelids were so heavy. He let slip the sock she was darning needle and the blankets, maybe with a little 'rest had regained her strength. Meanwhile
Lisa looked back at when it was only a sad little girl locked in her house and herself. Without friends, without a true love, with the prospect of a big house, lots of money and a husband who would have seen a couple of hours a day. Until a few months before would never have imagined that his life would have taken a turn so unexpected. She became a woman and not just a girl learned from books, but unable to live in the world. What were the piano lessons and served in a place of Latin like New Road? What the people needed was knowing how to mend, wash and prepare the meal, yet there were many people, like most people who came to her house, that if only he had spoken to their chores, they would be horrified by issuing judgments about their superiority and relegating everything to their underpaid servants. Now that life was so far away from her, it seemed absurd and useless. All those dinners where diners were close meters of each other without being able to converse, while in the home of Scarlett the tables were always surrounded by children of all ages who yelled and took the food directly from the dishes by hand, happy to find eating and able to fight the last bean left on the table. He coughed dirty the hands of red. He was sick, he knew, but did not want Scarlett found out. Would die with guilt, while she was almost happy to share the pain of his beloved. He knew that both would not have passed the season and the spring would not come for either. It was quickly clear the palm of your hand with one of his beautiful handkerchiefs, very careful to hide the sight of Scarlett. Lisa had looked toward the bed: Scarlett slept peacefully. Had approached cautiously not to wake her gently and she kissed his forehead was cold despite the hot bed of feathers. Excited and scared tried his hands under the covers, but even those were cold. The terror had taken possession of her face. Could not be. It was not true. He had heard his voice call Scarlett, but his head was like muffled. He had shaken slightly. "Stop joking, Scarlett ... you're not funny. "He had said with a nervous giggle. But the older girl did not seem to want to wake up. trembling and with tears about to fall dangerously, had tried breast Scarlett who was still lying motionless. He was found with his hand up to the point where a few minutes before his heart beat. Property at that time it seemed. He waited and waited, hoping to hear anche solo un lieve fremito, un battito seppur debole. But this had not arrived. He stroked his skin that he so loved. He kissed her lips now and then real estate was determined to stand up while her tears streaming down blankets. He had to tell everybody, knew that this moment would come, but not that day. Then he was reminded of that night's dream, a dream distressing and prescient. not know what to do, he felt lost, needed to find Billy, or should not tell anyone? How could never afford to leave Scarlett in the hands of strangers who would have thrown in a mass grave without a name, along with other poor simple wrapped in sheets. He coughed again and again, her condition getting worse day by day, and the sobs that shook their breath away. had approached the dresser where Scarlett used to keep his personal belongings. He rummaged through the linen and clothes with trembling hands and blurred vision from the tears until you find what you wanted.
A net shot, straight into her. Pain, a lot, but so nice and comforting, so enveloping, all-encompassing. Yes, he had to. He set the gun in his hands: it was the only solution, the only thing that remained. did not want to end his days beside a man who had never loved, not wanted to live his life without the only love he had never known digging in, love it, get in tune with his soul and his heart, which made her feel loved for what was, for her and not his surname. He had found his perfect half and now she was gone, and along with Scarlett had gone to her heart. He was drafted with handwriting stops his last will and had made strong, so be sure they would find. It was lying on Scarlett, had kissed the cold lips, and then had a moment and it was all over. They lay like that, one of the arms, a pale and emaciated, with hollowed sockets and dark purple, light clothing and only a blood coming out from the copious bosom of the girl over her, to warm it.
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