Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Roland Microcube Settings
wonderful dream it seemed to his fancy that I -
As if the tram window
Vsamdelishny rabbit eared
sat down, glittering pince-nez, -
first car full proshastav.
run to the nearest bus stop Trying
do not look at him.
But I see - not see nobody
And he, - rubbing his mustache and eyebrows,
taking off his pince-nez deft movement.
breath, ran up to Poltava,
I see - Rear door opens
And he, looking around warily -
Dap - and immediately a brother to me
bosses face the face.
taken aback, of course, I immediately and froze -
hardly restrain himself do not poke your finger.
He is near, angrily vzdernuv mustache,
Proprygal (on the street were our own),
And in a small round eyeglasses - a reflection of a rabbit!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Colours Of Shag Bands
Today, Wednesday,
In Montibus
art-club "44 " .
Beginning at 22.00
Monday, September 27, 2010
Dry Mouth At Night While Sleeping
Title: First time
Fandom: Karneval
Prompt: 05 chocolate
Characters: Yogi, Gareki, presence of Nai
Pairing: Yogi / Gareki
Genre: comedy, shounen-ai
Warnings: flashfiction, slice of life, shounen to
Rating: yellow
Words: 388 words
Notes: betata was not, but I sincerely hope that there is nothing that is out of place or OOC. If you note and I will correct.
Disclaimer: Karneval and its characters are © by Touya Mikanagi. I do not return anything from this I write.
First time
Gareki sighed annoyed, looking electronic dall'aggeggio was dismantled. Quite like the trumpets of the Last Judgement was entered Yogi, along with Nai, loudly declaiming the delights of chocolate. Exasperated at last, the boy blurted out
- You can not shut up once and for all? Yogi
stopped. Then he smiled and chuckled, saying
- I'm sorry. When it comes to chocolate I did not stop anyone.
- No. When we talk in general do not stop anymore. The blond boy
assumed an upset. Then, dismissing Nai with the promise that he would come to play later with he approached Gareki smiling. The latter sighed again with bored expression. At that moment it seemed a good screwdriver improper weapon, but something held him back. At that time he called Akari Yogi, which provoked the reaction of the latter annoyed and plaintive.
- Akari Damn! He hates me to death, what the hell will?!
Gareki merely observe it, then return to his job of dismembering dell'aggeggio electronically. Yogi looked at him for a while 'in silence, smiling. He gently lifted the boy's goggles electrician, then broke off a generous piece of chocolate from the stick and said
- Test, it is good! I bet you'll like it!
without waiting for a reply, she handed the cake, the tousled hair and stood up.
- Ugh, how boring ... Akari always calls me, what am I, his trouser? I bet he gets another message to report to Hirato!
almost certainly was so, as it was known that the hatred and Hirato Akari felt toward each other. They could not communicate in a civilized way those two if there was a third party. Nth call to order, Yogi left the room, saying he would return later.
Gareki finally could finish his work quiet. Some screws and a couple of pieces were on the floor beside removed the carcass of what might have been before the break-up of a transmitter and had to give them dignified accommodation. Gareki skeptically put it between his teeth a piece of chocolate that Yogi had given him, a wonderful after taste. Do not think I've ever tasted chocolate in his life. Yogi was right, was good. But surely he would not have allowed. Or maybe, knowing that the twenty-one would have taken for exhaustion. He ran his hand over his face, returning to work.
Cristina Aguilera Boobs
Tell her I love her.
Notes: PoV Xena, angst, flash-fic (still betare)
Word Count:
The characters of Xena, Gabrielle, etc etc are copyright of MCA / Universal Pictures Renassiance. These characters have been used without the consent of the authors, but not for profit.
Tell her I love her when I'm gone, Remind them at all times.
Tell her I love her.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Pkistani Indians Women Boobs
closing the closet door this morning, I froze. My attention was drawn over the shoulders, with whom I had just removed his shirt. They seemed (seemed?) I animated, thoughtful, and - most disturbing - staring at me the whole questioning of his appearance.
As I fastened the buttons on the sleeves, the shoulders did not leave me alone. They asked:
- Why do we have removed a shirt? Where have you pinned it on myself? You really think it suit you? You still come back at night, like you said "the same as you was "and bring it back into place! - And fell silent. But I caught their train of thought.
«In the afternoon we humbly waiting for you in the closet, clutching the neck of the pole. Yes, we will never to you did not say we did not have enough spirit you say it, but we are feeling. Irritation, when you strip us of, say, or joy, yes, sometimes, joy and thanks, when the door, creaking, open and your hand, taking us beyond the most narrow place, for bending metal, returns us to a warm shirt. Many years we wore at night, your clothes, including jeans and a heavy coat. The best of us even have the right to keep svezhestirannye, starched and ironed shirt. "This is it - they say to us - is a shirt for us."
Symbolically, the shoulders - the object of the greatest concentrations of curiosity in my house after only the local entity, the owner of twenty-five cubic meters of space, I am. Shoulders, probably, and appealed to me because they are - curious. After all, what are they? In fact, - frozen in space-time issue. The question of who found the form in wood and steel. More precisely - a question mark over time has lost its affirmation - then stretched his point on the line. This line is tired of his questioning, lay down on the axis of the "GO" - as is well known - The most the suffering of the coordinate axes. There are still admired axis, it measures the height, the height of surprise - the axis of "Shelter", as well as the axis, which came up in the country, where he lived a magician, it measures the depth. Shoulders, thus, on the one hand, and angry sigh, on the other - are surprised and happy, and the third - Revolving around his surprise, sighing - lavish miracles, one of which happened to me to watch this morning.
If you think about it, not so different hangers in the closet from all the other hangers.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thank You Note For Doing Community Service
ç_ç I hate not having time ...
Day 21 - Best character Yande
not really know ... Bianchi would say, I do not think of any other ...
Day 22 - Favorite boy's love couple
Day 23 - Had the best Anime you think, or Most intriguing art
* w * Cowboy Bebop! Just look at this particular! * W *
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Hmmm ... I tend to have a hatred for actors, so it is not a main character in my favorite ... In fact, my favorite, being female. Here it is ... FARNESE!
Day 25 - Best anime villain
Day 26 - Your favorite anime harem
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - School Uniform
Favorite Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme
Monday, September 20, 2010
Creative Birthday Names
Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post
do not. I will not now.
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime o_O
admit that he never loved especially the shoujo genre, but if I have to fish ...
And they are giving back !!!*^*
Day 21 - Best character Yande
Day 22 - Favorite boy's love couple
Day 23 - Had the best Anime you think, or Most intriguing art
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Day 25 - Best anime villain
Day 26 - Your favorite anime harem
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - School Uniform
Favorite Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Bandana For Bald Head
1 wallpaper 1400x1050 (1280x960> 1152x864> 1024x768>> > 800x600)
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+ comments on my livejournal are Greatly Appreciated + credit
xena4gabrielle if you use my + works feel free to friend me (and I'll friend you back)
1400x1050 (1280x960> 1152x864> 1024x768> 800x600 )
1920x1200 (1680x1050>> 1440x900> 1280x800)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
5 Month Old Smelly Urine
Day 18 - Something
is quite moe moe? Personally
Amoh madness this image. They are all so kawaii! X3
Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime
Day 21 - Best Yande character
Day 22 - Favorite boy's love couple
Day 23 - Anime you think Had the Best, or Most intriguing Article
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Day 25 - Best anime villain
Day 26 - Your favorite anime harem
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - Favorite school uniform
Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme
Friday, September 17, 2010
Free Watch Groping Women In Train#1
Day 16 - Post a kigurumi cosplay of your favorite anime character
No. I kigurumi sono inquietanti.
Day 17 - Favorite tsundere
*riflett* Kanda!8D
Day 18 - Something moe
Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime
Day 21 - Best yandere character
Day 22 - Favorite boy’s love couple
Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most intriguing art
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Day 25 - Best anime villain
Day 26 - Your favorite harem anime
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - School Uniform
Favorite Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
What To Expect From Glioblastoma
ç_ç I hate studying, I hate hate kanji and sakubun ... Three days because I forgot the other 2.
Day 13 - Cosplay of your 'waifu' or husbando '
NESSSUNA I could not find a picture of a cosplay Dominura! It is outrageous! I'm the only one who wants to cosplay fareil Dominura?! O_O
And Hibari ... check it out \u0026lt;3
Day 14 - Current (or Most recent) anime wallpaper
eeh, I had to change pairing ... The pc stava rifiutando di collaborare, ad avere sempre i due patati...
Day 15 - Post a cute Neko-girl
È abbastanza carina?ò_ò
Day 16 - Post a kigurumi cosplay of your favorite anime character
Day 17 - Favorite tsundere
Day 18 - Something moe
Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime
Day 21 - Best yandere character
Day 22 - Favorite boy’s love couple
Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most intriguing art
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Day 25 - Best anime villain
Day 26 - Your favorite harem anime
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - School Uniform
Favorite Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
How To Connect A Car Active Subwoofer
Title: Because unity is strength ...
Fandom: Karneval
Prompt: cake
Characters: Yogi, Gareki, presence of Tsukumo and Nai
Pairing: Yogi / Gareki
Genre: Comedy
Warnings: flashfiction, slice of life, shounen to
Rating: yellow
Words: 419 words
Notes: was not betata, but I sincerely hope that there is nothing that is out of place or OOC.
Disclaimer: Karneval and its characters are © by Touya Mikanagi. I do not return anything to what I write.
Because unity is strength ...
Yogi looked desperately for the kitchen table of the second vessel. His project "cake" was failing miserably. And he felt even more depressed, because, having decanted Gareki non-existent cooking skills, he was sure that he would certainly have made fun of, or severely reprimanded for lying. After walking nervously up and down the kitchen, it was decided to seek help. Tsukumo It was the ideal person, even if it was not easy to convince. In fact the girl was a good cook, but that was a task that just does not go down. After much insistence, despite the various "Yogi, you're twenty-one years old, you should take your own responsibility", and "in short, why me?", Not to mention that "you do not need me to do things, you'll never learn" The girl had finally helped the poor Yogi. Because the crew of the second ship was very united, especially in times of difficulty . And finally it was chocolate cake. Brought a smile so sweet to Gareki. Who received it with indifference.
- Could you show a bit excited ...
Nai, who earlier had been playing with the sheep Mechanical ship, he saw the cake and it was literally in heaven. In fact, he was hopping from side to side, wondering if we could eat at once. The constant bouncing of Nai at one point had unnerved Gareki, who had grabbed her shoulder and sat. The dark boy finally raised an eyebrow. Yogi was smiling, knife for cake and saucers in their hands. He passed a hand in his face.
- Yogi, remind me how old are you? At this moment escapes me. The blond
pretended not to hear. He cut generous portions of cake, serving at Nai, Gareki and himself, not to mention Tsukumo. The latter began to eat the cake with Nai, leaving Yogi and Gareki.
take a few minutes. Gareki still had not touched the cake. It was probably for this reason that he found Yogi ready to take. Masking embarrassment, he was infuriated, he swore, snatched at the Yogi dish with cake and ate it, ignoring the laughter of the twenty-one.
- Is it good?
The only answer was a look eloquent shot of crooked. After all, he thought Yogi, Gareki was too shy and reserved in order to give an answer. He smiled. He should really learn to make cakes, if Gareki liked.
The next day, as revenge for having fact cooking the cake, Tsukumo Yogi morally obliged to do the cleaning on the second ship. Because the crew was very united . Forgot
How To Get A Drivers Licence Diagram
one day, I post 2 below ...
Day 11 - Favorite mech series
Day 12 - An ecchi picture from your favorite series
................................. ....................
Day 13 - Cosplay of your 'waifu' or husbando '
Day 14 - Current (or Most recent) anime wallpaper
Day 15 - Post-a cute Neko girl
Day 16 - Post to kigurumi of your cosplay favorite anime character
Day 17 - Favorite tsundere
Day 18 - Something moe
Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime
Day 21 - Best yandere character
Day 22 - Favorite boy’s love couple
Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most intriguing art
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Day 25 - Best anime villain
Day 26 - Your favorite harem anime
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - Favorite school uniform
Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme
Friday, September 10, 2010
Ureterovesical Junction
Day 10 - Favorite slice of life anime
School Rumble. Quando Kenji disegna manga.
Day 11 - Favorite mech series
Day 12 - An ecchi picture from your favorite series
Day 13 - Cosplay of your ‘waifu’ or husbando’
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) anime wallpaper
Day 15 - Post a cute Neko-girl
Day 16 - Post a kigurumi cosplay of your favorite anime character
Day 17 - Favorite tsundere
Day 18 - Something moe
Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime
Day 21 - Best yandere character
Day 22 - Favorite boy’s love couple
Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most intriguing art
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Day 25 - Best anime villain
Day 26 - Your favorite harem anime
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - Favorite school uniform
Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Streaming Wikipedia Movies
Sorry for the delay, and ro so convinced that you have half a month for the lion, and yet we have a virgin. Also coming soon to one born under the sign of the virgin:)
1 wallpaper 1920x1200 (1680x1050 >>> 1440x900 >>> 1280x800)
1 wallpaper 1400x1050
(1280x960 >>> 1152x864 >>> 1024x768 >>> 800x600)
+ click to enlarge
+ comments on my livejournal are greatly appreciated
+ credit
if you use my works
+ feel free to friend me (and I'll friend you back)
1920x1200 (1680x1050>> 1440x900> 1280x800)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
How To Hack An Sidekick O8
Porozhnosti full of youth,
And this one reason only:
by the same eyes
We look at ourselves and the outside.
________Dru-live second-live.
________Druzhyty the divide in rye.
a lonely days and nights in the city Sparks
instantly disappear,
in the space of boundless heart
Without friendship fade away.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Saa7130hl Vista Driver
El sueño de la razón produce monstruos *
Francisco de Goya
Listen, friend, I'm happy today:
-------------- passed all stays with me,
* sleep of reason produces monsters. Francisco Goya
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Height Of Wakeboard Towers
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sony Dvp-sr200p Region Hack India
rains on projected to begin just about
And, believe me - I gave them all my dreams!
I look forward to every day that tomorrow pour,
must dance like a shaman - in the same neurosis.
true that a non-flying weather.
storm for me - mother of many children:
Hiding from many in the dense clouds
something nice how to think and dream!