Sleeping with the hare
wonderful dream it seemed to his fancy that I -
As if the tram window
Vsamdelishny rabbit eared
sat down, glittering pince-nez, -
first car full proshastav.
run to the nearest bus stop Trying
do not look at him.
But I see - not see nobody
And he, - rubbing his mustache and eyebrows,
taking off his pince-nez deft movement.
breath, ran up to Poltava,
I see - Rear door opens
And he, looking around warily -
Dap - and immediately a brother to me
bosses face the face.
taken aback, of course, I immediately and froze -
hardly restrain himself do not poke your finger.
He is near, angrily vzdernuv mustache,
Proprygal (on the street were our own),
And in a small round eyeglasses - a reflection of a rabbit!
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