Title: Creep .
Fandom: DC Comics (New Gen).
Characters: James Gautier, many original characters.
Challenge: Special # 5 (@
Prompt: The hard part is to start ; The early bird catches the worm ; Tap always to go barefoot on thorns .
Rating: PG .
Word Count: 169, 195, 184 (W).
• drabble collection of three, single-theme one-time only character. • Set in
• The title comes from Creep (xD) by Radiohead ... I was looking for in the text,
• It was a party! * * Pamper son
Disclaimer: all mine,
The clerk of the beautiful eyes, big and a bit 'shiny; try to do his job with the precision of a thousand smiling condescending to various customers.
The bank where he works is small, not particularly modern, and was chosen by the new Joker - and his colleagues - for this reason.
Stroke is easy. Or it would be if James decides to stop looking at the job.
He promised to take care of that bank - to take all the money - and he knows he must do it (can not renege on his word) for power within the appointed time.
But the contract is beautiful and innocent: it can not spread terror in front of her, she can postpone the mission .
can not postpone, you know.
Join. He walks with a nervous step towards one of three boxes, you pour in the face of his sweetheart and shoot - the hits.
It takes seconds to observe the fall. It was too cute to continue to live in that world.
The robbery is now in its midst, and James is pocketing the money promised.
The body of the Job has not yet taken to stink (he has lost the sense of time in the last three minutes is convinced to stay there for months) and its essence is definitely gone, gone to a better place.
The other people do not like. They are little creatures whining, almost pathetic, hard stare at him hoping for mercy.
But the idea of killing them did not even go to his head, have no significance for the world and hell was created for them.
His colleagues took care of the dangers "outside", however, although very few were given the small size of the bank (and the village where is located). Not too much bloodshed, not too much trouble.
Except that particular.
came out and resumed breathing. At this point, the minute they return to their rightful place - it is morning, he did everything he wanted, he saved a life, has the money - and your head stops spinning.
A perfect moment. If it were not for the sudden awareness: James realizes that it did not even smile for a second.
Needless to say, his friends do not understand. Because clearly they do not, do not care really. They started to avoid any kind of curiosity when they realized that it is more dangerous to be his friend, what else.
James and then the total disarming feeling of being left alone. To have reached that threshold of pain that would never have expected to see. The suffering for a few seconds, but soon decides that there are no grounds to do so.
Maybe it's time to quit. the cylinder system. Maybe it's too much even for him.
just look around to see who can not, why not he deserves it. His hands are dirty, life is a sentence - convicted him. He does not deserve any freedom. But you can bask
abandon everything, to let himself in quell'apatia final to reach the Job killed shortly before it is simpler than that nicer. And James knows that one day someone will help him, if he feels in his bones, then - until then - will remain as everyone else to wait for the end property.
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