Title: Always Goes Against The Grain.
Fandom: DC Comics ~ Titans.
Characters: Wally West (Flash), Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Donna Troy, Kory Anders (Starfire), Jesse Quick.
Pairing: Wally (/ Jesse), Wally (/ Dick), Dick / Jesse.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 432 (W)
Prompt: Envy
• @
• Wally West, Dick Grayson (/ Jesse Chambers) - The tease for not attach too much importance to what @ Balls .
Notes: The title comes from
Come Home Placebo. I asked four (quattro!) people to help me xD
Disclaimer: none of this is mine, no profit on it. For these things, please contact the DC Comics.
"Stop," Nightwing protest with the more serious tone and determined that it can do, " stop," he continues.
Wally did not intend. Begins to run, rather than remain in detention there groped to explain why it is putting on the skit.
Invite Jesse in the Titans was one of his worst mistakes. Was to be expected from the outset, since we have divided the names for the "seconds" that a new girl in the group - as a Jesse - would bring havoc.
But at the same time, he had a slight crush on her. It absolutely had to make amends for what he had done; invited to the group seemed the best solution for everyone.
came to him asking for her, then. She came saying that Dick had to go there - it was the only one stubborn enough to try and try to convince her - and it came out saying that he was jealous Kory from the first moment. But she
develop an attraction for him no. That was not in his plans, as there was to be the vague presentiment that his best friend to return, in a sense.
"It's Dick. ... For all you interested in nature. ", the patient justified Woman, Starfire, and even seemed to accept it - and accompany with a simple" but if this continues I'll kill him ", said the threatening tone he used when talking about him - rather than react Wally as he was doing the same.
Not that he had any right to or upset by taking it, it was the boyfriend of either, and could do whatever they wanted but had to ... but however, touch the question, belittle, otherwise it would hurt.
joke, that was a good way.
Nightwing knows order things to people, though - too many times - in her tone can be seen that slight moan children who have kids. Flash recognizes it, perhaps because he feels it for a lifetime, and every time knows how to interpret it.
So when he is commanded to stop, he knows he can run away. And we do not think about too, ready for the next "attack."
Women's pointed out that Dick is not well, that's a bit of trouble 'everywhere lately, and that - if you're attacking Jesse - it's just because she is new in their environment, and are not familiar with the dynamics.
Wally knows that is true, but can not help but be jealous. So
continues to torment them both but especially him, hoping to change that, and so to remain at the center of attention - the role that rightly belongs at the bottom.
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